Neighbourhood Renewal
The City of Edmonton has scheduled Bonnie Doon for rebuilding of streets, sidewalks, etc in 2015, 2016 and 2017. Here is the timeline we have received from the City:
Development Appeals
From time to time the City's Sustainable Development department writes to the League informing us that they have tentatively granted a variance to a developer, relaxing a bylaw. Here are recent examples of those letters:
If this process interests you, you might consider contacting our Civics Chair (contact info). |
Infill Policy
In January, 2014, the BDCL began to develop our first policy position on property developments. We submitted the following to the City of Edmonton's Evolving Infill discussion February, 2014: We understand that Edmonton's growth means the City needs to increase population density near its core. Bonnie Doon is a core neighbourhood and that means we will face pressure to increase our density. Many infill projects are multi-family residences. Most of those fit well with existing properties; a few are great, hulking anomalies. Bonnie Dooners feel strongly about