Bonnie Doon Rink, 9240 93 Street
⚠️ Use the rink At Your Own Risk ⚠️
Please look after your fellow skaters. Especially, please give people who are unsteady on their skates extra room.
Family Skate time is Sundays from 12:00 noon to 2:00 PM. Family Skate means pucks are not allowed on the ice. The shack will be open and no-pucks enforced if there is a Volunteer Rink Attendant. Please pick a day to volunteer! No rentals
We do not rent the rink or reserve it for non-league events. |
Questions? Check out our Rink FAQ.
Turn on the rink lights with the round metal button by the entrance gate. When the amber light flashes you have a few minutes to push the button again, to prevent the lights from going out. Rink gates are left unlocked except:
We keep the City's Ice Making for Outdoor Ice Surfaces PDF document here for reference by our volunteers. |