The BDCL logo
This PNG file will often be suitable when you need a quick copy of the logo, for tweets, emails, signs, etc. In most browsers, hover your mouse over the image, right-click and select "Save as" (or "Save image as" or similar).
Technical: Weebly (the company that hosts this website for BDCL) automagically alters the size and resolution of this image. At the time of writing this, downloading the image adjacent to this text gives a PNG file with resolution 300x300 and size 19 KB. In a browser, the dark blue is colour #012f63. |
Various colours and formats
The links immediately below are to files containing the original PNG images from the logo designer. They are all 5000 by 5000 pixels and have a transparent alpha channel. We do not display these files as images on this web page because our hosting service would alter the images. One way to use the links below: right-click on them and select "Save link as" or words to that effect.
The links immediately below are the JPG versions of the previous files. No transparent alpha channel.