Dru Davids will run Zumba Toning classes on Tuesday evenings and regular Zumba on Thursday evenings. All classes begin at 6 pm. Exhilarating, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-parties, zumba is a great way to become healthy and fit while having fun. For more information, contact Dru.
Zumba classes at Bonnie Doon Hall will resume the first week of November.
Dru Davids will run Zumba Toning classes on Tuesday evenings and regular Zumba on Thursday evenings. All classes begin at 6 pm. Exhilarating, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-parties, zumba is a great way to become healthy and fit while having fun. For more information, contact Dru.
Residents of Bonnie Doon are invited to Supper's on Us, Bonnie Doon Community League's annual BBQ and membership drive:
Date: Friday, September 20, 2013 Time: 5:30 pm to 7 pm Location: Bonnie Doon Park, 9240 93 Street (near Bonnie Doon Community League Hall) It's a fun way to meet your neighbours and support your community league. BDCL encourages residents to renew their membership at Supper's on Us, held every September in conjunction with Community League Day in Edmonton. There will be lots of fun activities for the kids, including face painting, the Giraffe Bouncy Castle, and storytelling courtesy the Edmonton Public Library. Check out our playground. Interested in volunteering at Supper's on Us? Please contact our Membership Chair, Monique Moquin, at 780-469-6311 or email her. We are looking for volunteers between 4 and 8 pm on Friday, September 20. Burgers (beef and veggie), hot dogs, cotton candy, popcorn and more! For more information on BDCL membership, visit: http://www.bonniedoon.ca/join.html. Located in a mature neighbourhood on the southeast corner of 90 Avenue and 83 Street, the Bonnie Doon Campus Park faces the challenge of addressing community needs with infrastructure beyond its expected lifecycle. The park is a 7.60 hectare district activity park in the Idylwylde Community that supports many amenities including: Vimy Ridge Academy, Idylwylde School Building, Bonnie Doon Leisure Centre, tennis courts, an outdoor shale running track and several sports fields.
The City of Edmonton wants to hear from residents and park users, community organizations and other stakeholders about how they use Bonnie Doon Campus Park. Input from this consultation will be incorporated into the development of the Bonnie Doon Campus Park Master Plan. Thursday September 19, 2013 4-7pm Idylwylde Community League Hall 8631-81 Street NW Find out more about Bonnie Doon Campus Park here. Edmonton Elections for Mayor, City Council and School District Trustee elections will be held on Monday, October 21, 2013. Residents in Bonnie Doon live in ward 8, currently held by Councillor Ben Henderson.
Visit www.edmonton.ca/elections.ca to find out important election information including where to vote. For more information: 780-442-VOTE (8683). Chers francophones et francophiles de la grande région d’Edmonton,
Le curling vous intéresse? Aimeriez-vous jouer dans une ligue de curling? Le club de curling Shamrock, près de la Cité francophone (9330 - 80 Avenue) tente de mettre sur pied une ligue francophone pour débutants ou même avec un peu d’expérience. Chaque équipe est composée de 4 joueurs, hommes ou femmes âgés de 16 ans et plus. Les joueurs non-francophones accompagnant des francophones (ex : couple exogame) sont les bienvenus. Si vous n’inscrivez pas une équipe complète, nous pouvons prendre votre nom et vous intégrer dans une équipe au fur et à mesure que d’autres joueurs s’inscrivent. Il est à noter qu’il y aura des cliniques d’initiation au curling offertes en début de saison pour ceux et celles qui le souhaitent. Ligue de curling francophone Où : Club de Curling Shamrock , 9330 - 80 Avenue, Edmonton, T6C 0T9 Quand : Les dimanches soirs de 19h00 à 20h30, du 20 octobre 2013 au 3 mars 2014 (près de 20 parties) Niveau des joueurs : débutant Déroulement de la ligue : Chaque partie comprend 6 manches. Durant la saison, le classement des équipes est compilé. Il y aura des séries pour les championnats à la fin de la saison. Il n’y a pas d’élimination. Toutes les équipes jouent jusqu’à la fin de la saison. Coût : 250$ par joueur (1 000$ par équipe), argent comptant, chèque (à Shamrock Curling Club) ou carte de crédit Équipement requis : le club fournit gratuitement le glisseur de soulier, le balai, un stabilisateur pour lancer la pierre (évidemment chaque joueur peut apporter son propre équipement). Site web : www.shamrockcurling.ca N’hésitez pas à me contacter, Marc-André Roy 780-469-7853 (après 17h00 ou les fins de semaine) [email protected] Bonnie Doon is in the midst of renewal – walk up and down the streets, and you see old homes coming down, and new ones going up. To ensure that redevelopment maintains the character of this and all other neighbourhoods in Edmonton, the City of Edmonton has put in place zoning bylaws and neighbourhood renewal plans. New construction plans get reviewed by City officials (Sustainable Development), who check construction plans to ensure they meet bylaw and plan requirements. For the most part, renewal in our neighbourhood remains within these established requirements.
Occasionally, a builder wants some type of construction that is not permitted by the zoning bylaws. While City officials have a small amount of discretion to address minor variances, large variances to zoning requirements result in the request for approval being rejected. Builders then have a choice – either re-adjust their plans to fit within the zoning requirements, or appeal to the Subdivision & Appeal Board (SDAB). Anyone with an interest in the construction proposal can speak at the Appeal Board hearing; the decision of the Appeal Board is final. Recently, the Bonnie Doon community had exactly this situation occur: a builder wished to construct a four-unit row housing development in the neighbourhood, and applied for a building permit. The application was rejected by Sustainable Development as not meeting zoning requirements. The builder then took the issue to the SDAB. The Bonnie Doon Community League spoke against the development at the appeal hearing, arguing the application not only did not meet zoning requirements, but also had large variances in what was being proposed. As such, BDCL felt it was an inappropriate development for its location. In spite of these arguments, the developer won his appeal, and has now moved forward with construction. We are now preparing a strategy to reduce the chances of such a development being approved in the future. In fact, we’d appreciate your input. Write to our Civics Chair, Ed Keding. |
January 2025
The BDCL Blog
Email us with story ideas that relate to Bonnie Doon. Of course, we are on Twitter and Facebook. All of our newsletters can be viewed online. Categories |