January 8, 2015
8627 rue Marie-Anne Gaboury Street NW
In attendance: Mark Gordon, Barret Hall, Daniel Kaliel, Shauna Kuiper, Margaret Russell, Ian Gray, Don Masson, Suzi Radke, Susan Dack. Regrets: Stephanie Wold, Carol Hurst
1. Call to Order 7:20
2. Kick off the Meeting.
2.1. Approve agenda.
2.2. Approval of November board meeting minutes, moved by BH, seconded by DK. Carried.
3. CRC Report. SD
3.1. Network Gatherings. The city will be hosting the first of three of these for Bonnie Doon and 10 other neighbourhoods. Community recreational activities. The first meeting will be mapping what each community is doing in terms of recreational programs and when which will enable the identification of overlaps and gaps in community programming and consequent potential of resource pooling (ie. seniors programs). MG gave an example of playgroup in three proximal communities all offered on Tuesday mornings.
3.2. Greenshack. The city is asking community leagues to contribute $1000 toward the Greenshack Program. Mark moves to request the Green Shack program from the city in the summer. Margaret seconds. Carried.
4. Board Member Reports
4.1. President’s report.
4.1.1. Greenshack. BDCL will again provide $1,000 to the City of Edmonton in support of its Greenshack program.
4.1.2. Signage. BDCL’s exterior sign on the southeast corner of the park fits only 4 lines of 16 characters each. Karen Doucet, our community sign updater, is hoping people will consider this when choosing start and end times for their events (on the hour is less onerous). We might look into a new, possibly digital sign, in a more visually accessible location.
4.1.3. Abundant Communities. We have a new block connector, Marie-Danielle Lemm who, along with others, has revamped the ACI interview form. The new, simplified form is intended to be less intimidating to both the interviewers and interviewees. It will be distributed to the Block Connectors shortly.
4.1.4. Vision/Mission Meeting. Mark and Carol will host this on Sunday January 25 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
4.2. Treasurer’s report.
4.2.1. 2015 cash flow statement shared. Will be putting together a budget for next meeting.

4.3. Civics report. SK
SK emailed some local developers regarding a casual meeting: Walker, Engleman, Grand Vista and Anthony. While Walker is not, Engelman and Grand Vista are interested in meeting. The motivation behind the meetings is to create a relationship between each of them and the community league that goes beyond the appeal board and city-related issues. The discussion would be about their company mandates, plans for Bonnie Doon and to point out BDCL’s presence and concern about neighbourhood-friendly development sites. Other developers to be contacted for the same purpose include PK, Effect, Habitat, and Offset. Infinity and Bailey are potentials as well.
SK emailed the developer/planner of the proposed development across from the Campus residence. No response yet.
Civics Committee will start to put together a Watch List for neighbourhood development, rather than developing a full-blown policy on the subject.
4.4 Social report. MR
Rink events. Skate parties have been planned for January 11 and February 8 from 1:30 to 3:30. Learn to Skate will be on January 16 and 23 from 5:30 to 8:30.
Christmas Party. Estimated approximately 80 adults and 90 children in attendance.
4.5. Fundraising report. SW
The following are in relation to fundraising for a new rink:
4.5.1. CFEP grant application is in. We should hear something by March. SW will also apply for CLIP as backup.
4.5.2. Advertising. Rink advertisements will be of a higher quality and more permanent style than what was used last year. Eventually, this will be our main source of rink funding, so please let SW know of any potentially interested companies so she can forward an information letter and contract.
4.5.3. Movie Nights. February 21 and April 10. River City Events will be providing rental equipment at a deep discount, provided we promote them on our social media feeds. MM’s dad will provide a popcorn maker. The poster is in the works. The event will be donation-based. All proceeds will go toward the rink.
4.5.4. Wine-tasting. SW is in correspondence with Color de Vino regarding a fundraiser there.
4.5.5. Donor wall. SW would like create a donor wall in the rink to display donor names and
advertise to the community this donation opportunity. She is looking for a graphic designer to help with this.