Board Meeting Minutes
March 18, 2015
9301 – 93 Street
In attendance: Mark Gordon, Don Masson, Stephanie Wold, Shauna Kuiper, Ian Gray, Carol Hurst, Margaret Russell (Acting Secretary)
Regrets: Barrett Hall, Daniel Kaliel, Suzi Radki, Susan Dack
1. Call to Order 9:05 p.m.
2. Kick off the Meeting.
2.1 Approve agenda and approve February 12 minutes.
Moved by MG, seconded by SK. Carried
3. President’s Report
3.1 The board meeting scheduled for March 11 at Cloverdale Hall was postponed when only three board members attended. Communications strategy was discussed.
3.2 Hall Maintenance: Motion. Approve $1,700 to clean the hall’s 300 chairs. Moved by MG,
seconded by MR. Carried
3.3 Board Governance: Motion to approve the AGM proposal:
- Motion: Drop these board positions: Communications, Facilities, Fundraising, Membership, Nominating, Rink, Sports. MG moved, seconded by DM. Carried
- Motion: Reduce quorum from 5 to 4. MG moved, seconded by MR. Carried
3.4 Iris Court officially opens this week. It was developed by the Schizophrenia Society of Alberta with funding from various levels of government. Our Community League supports this initiative to help schizophrenics reenter society.
4. Fundraising. Stephanie Wold presented new information regarding the new rink. Grant applications have been submitted. Motion: Increase the budget of the new skating rink to $200,000 in order to include the cost of new lighting. Moved by MG, seconded by SK. Unanimous
5. Communications. Carol Hurst reported that Craig Pinder has volunteered to do graphics work. A number of initiatives were considered, including improvements to signage and notices in the hall entryway. Mark and Margaret are planning a quarterly printed newsletter to be delivered to all residences in Bonnie Doon. Much content is already available on our monthly e-newsletter but there are still many Bonnie Dooners who don’t receive this news. Cost is estimated at $250 for distribution and $115 for printing.
6. Civics. Shauna Kuiper met with Grande Vista. Barrett, Shauna and Mark are finalizing the principles, mission and values for the Committee.
7. Programs. Ian Gray reported that the soccer registration went smoothly and Darla Bodnar continues to manage most of the operational needs. Ian has experience in improving business processes and will look for opportunities to reduce Darla’s workload. Ian proposed a community garage sale as a fundraiser for the rink. There was good support for the plan.
8. Social. Margaret presented a proposal for a gardeners’ event on April 19 from 6 – 8 p.m. There was general support. The St. Patrick’s Day Tea was hosted by enthusiastic volunteers but had few attendees. Stephanie Wold organized a successful Movie Night on February 21st. The next Movie Night is scheduled for April 10. Christiane Moquin and Denis Ralston hosted the last of four Rink Parties on March 8, but the lack of ice turned the party into a Snow Day with equipment on loan from Susan Dack’s office. The kids had a great time. A survey of the parents using the Tuesday morning playgroup at the hall resulted in two recommendations: to keep the program time “as is” and to increase awareness.
9. Treasurer. Daniel Kaliel distributed the February Financial Reports electronically on March 9.
10. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. The next meeting will be held on April 9 at 7:15 p.m. at Mark’s. The focus will be on completing the mission, vision and values, as well as planning the AGM scheduled for April 23.