Edmonton’s Front Yards in Bloom (FYiB) program is set to run again in 2021. The goals of FYiB are to:
- Recognize our friends and neighbours' efforts to create more beautiful communities.
- Highlight the front yards that make Edmonton beautiful.
- Encourage all Edmontonians to help keep their neighbourhoods attractive places to live, work, and play.
- Engage Edmontonians who want to make Edmonton more beautiful.
I would add: get some exercise and meet your neighbours!
Bonnie Doon’s participation rests with a hardy group of volunteers who walk to all corners of our neighbourhood, ensuring that no garden goes unnoticed. As with last year, we will keep our teams within their bubbles or socially distant as we walk and take notes. If you’re interested in gardens, walking, meeting new or old friends, or in seeing your neighbourhood with fresh eyes, please contact me! [email protected]. Thank you!
Congratulations to Mike & Angie at 9315 93 Street who won First Place for their "Edible Yard" in 2020! Mike & Angie are shown below.