Highlights from the meeting of the Board of Directors
November 16, 2017
Duane Gingras was officially welcomed to the Board as our Vice-President. Welcome Duane!
Christmas Party: Saturday, December 2, 6pm. Although we have no Social Chair, Nicola has stepped forward to organise the annual Christmas Party. Family fun, Santa, DJ, and cash bar are all part of the fun. Thank you Nicola, and all the other volunteers.
Senior’s Committee: Margaret Russell made a report of all the activities of the committee: The Memories of Bonnie Doon book project, the NFB Film screenings, the intergenerational poster project, and their fundraising successes. Thank you Margaret!
Hall Noise Mitigation: The Board will be convening a meeting to consider strategies to control the noise disturbance issues during weekend rentals.
BD Mural Project: Hall manager Stacey would like to create a mural for the community. She is open to ideas as to subject and placement. She is currently running a survey to collect opinions. Please contact her through the web-site to let her know what you think!
Kenilworth Skate Path: Bonnie Doon is happy to support the Kenilworth Community League as they create their Community Ice Trail. This 2016 initiative was a big success and many Bonnie Dooners were able to participate.
Casino: BDCL’s casino is scheduled for February 12 & 13, 2018. Sign-up can be done on-line, please refer to the web-site. Thank you to Stephanie Wold for coordinating.
CRC Report: The City has reorganised Community Recreation Coordinators (CRC). They’re being rebranded as Neighbourhood Resource Coordinators (NRC). Our CRC has been reassigned. In January we will meet our new NRC.
Civics: Shauna reported a potential re-zoning at the corner of 94th Avenue and 95th Street. She is informed and willing to communicate with any concerned neighbours.
- the new ‘Adult Recess’ class has been a success, with many coming out to ‘play’ at fitness on Wednesday mornings.
- Outdoor Ice Rink: The Board has hired local resident Mark Edwards as chief ice-maker for the 2017-2018 season. The Board has asked Mark to explore the feasibility of creating a small ice pond between the Rink Shack and the Main Hall. The pond would be bordered with snow-bank walls and would be destined for non-hockey playing youngsters.
- Winter Green Shack programme: The City has awarded Bonnie Doon a winter green shack programme, which will operate mid-November through December, Monday and Wednesday after school, and Saturday afternoons. Come on out!
- Neighbourhood Watch and Crime Prevention: Some neighbours have expressed interest in establishing a Neighbourhood Watch programme. BDCL will cover the registration costs of any training. Programmes Chair will be contacting EPS to set up a Crime Prevention Seminar at the Hall. Please watch for future information.
Social: The Board is still looking for a Social Chair: are you interested?
Vice-President: Duane represented BD at the annual EFCL Annual General Meeting. There was good information sharing. Thank you Duane!
President: Don welcomed Nicola, newly responsible for all things Communications, be it Facebook, the monthly newsletter, web-page, blog-postings or the bi-montlhy Community News South newspaper. Mark Gordon is still managing our Twitter account. Thank you Nicola and Mark.
Next meeting January 11, 2018: Meetings are held at the City of Edmonton offices in Bonnie Doon Mall, starting at 7:15pm.