Board Meeting Minutes
January 8, 2014 7:15 pm
9301 93 Street NW
In attendance: Mark Gordon, Daniel Kaliel, Ed Keding, Barret Hall, Margaret Russell, Carol Hurst, Stephanie Wold, Suzi Radke
Regrets: Monique Moquin, Patti Kehoe, Robert Rutherford
1. Call to Order 7:23 p.m.
2. Approve minutes of December, 2013 meeting. MG moves to approve minutes. CH seconds. Carried.
3. Old Business
3.1. Treasurer’s Report (DK). Finances are on track.
3.1.1. Hall. Refinishing the hall floors was an unexpected expenditure which will put us over budget, however, we were under budget before that expense, so this is not concerning. Also our janitorial expenses are low. We also made more money on the hall than anticipated. This is due to a higher volume of rentals and good sales of our new after-rental cleanup service.
3.1.2. Financial Committee. A meeting will be called later this month to go over the profit-loss statement in detail. MG and DK will attend.
3.2. Budget: Flying Canoe Adventure (MG) Carol moves to contribute $750.00 towards this event. DK seconds. Carried.
3.3. Status: Refinishing the floor (MG) Started to apply the refinishing on Monday, January 6th. The longer it is allowed to set, the longer it is supposed to last, and since we cancelled rentals for a week and a half, it should be good for a while. We spent $9400 on this service (a mid-range cost).
3.4. Recap: Babysitting course (MR) Nine registrants, not all of whom are Bonnie Doon residents. Discussion regarding BDCL maintaining a babysitting roster. Rutherford School has a notice board that can be used to advertise either the availability of a babysitting service or a need for a babysitter. We can use our social media to promote the Rutherford bulletin board as well as the Hall board (since the playgroup meets in the hall), thereby deferring the actual service to a third party.
3.5. Date: Infill discussion (CH) The city’s deadline to provide feedback on this has been pushed back to the end
of January. Before opening up the discussion to the community, we should
figure out what our thoughts on the subject are as a league. Those who are
available will meet on Wednesday, January 15th @ 7:30; BH will find a venue.
The city has a list of questions that can help us organize our ideas and address
likely concerns. We will submit them to the city by the deadline. Through this
discussion, we can clarify the board’s involvement in development issues, as the
city has been telling residents to seek board support on such issues.
3.6. Job Descriptions (CH)
The board went through general duties/requirements and refined them according
to what suits us as a board (the outcome being in a separate document). This
was only a first run through the process; these duties can be refined at a later
date. CH is waiting for individual job descriptions from each board member.
3.7. Status: Mission Statement (MG). Tabled.
4. New Business
4.1. Rink (BH)
4.1.1. Family Skate. BDCL assigned Sunday from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. as family
skate time. A concerned resident contact the league requesting for more
time. BH will look into neighboring community league schedules to see
how frequently they offer family skate times. BH will propose some
additional time slots to be designated family skate times. (Family skate =
no pucks or sticks allowed for older kids.) BDCL’s first Family Skate is
Sunday, January 12. Carol will send out a notice about the event.
4.1.2. Renting ice time. Discussion ensued. BH and SR will work out details
and prepare a motion before the end of the week.
5. Future Agenda Items
5.1. The neighborhood renewal discussion will take place at the end of February. EK
will talk to Stacey about rental availability.
5.2. Bulletin Board Policy. BDCL has two bulletin boards in the hall. The bulletin
board provides an avenue for residents/local businesses to promote their
events/causes. MG will talk to EFCL lawyers regarding any legal implications
the league may face in posting third party ads to our bulletin boards, whether
virtual or tangible, and how to circumvent any related liabilities. Ideally, we
would replace the very old bulletin boards with fancy new ones to attract more
attention to them and get more use out of them.
6. Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 12, 7:15 pm.