We are excited to be adding a new category for this year only called Uniquely Canadian; gardens that celebrate Canada with red and white flowers and/or features invoking our shared heritage.
Don’t miss out on being involved in this year’s Front Yards in Bloom! Nominations are accepted from May 20 - June 30 in five categories:
- General: Appealing front yards that makes people smile as they pass by! These yards could include a variety of colours, textures, plants, and garden features. Must have at least 25% flowering plants, but can still include pots and containers.
- Natural: A yard with native flowers, trees, shrubs or ground cover plants that attract local wildlife such as birds, bees, butterflies, and other insects.
- Edible: Yards incorporating edible fruits, flowers, and leaves into the landscape design. An edible yard is one with 60% edible plants (compared to all plants) or more.
- Public Spaces: Yards with landscaping features and aesthetic appeal in front of a public building (including schools, businesses/offices, multi-unit residences, churches, and community league halls)
- Uniquely Canadian: Gardens that celebrate Canada with red and white flowers and/or features evoking our shared heritage.
After the nomination deadline, volunteers deliver a sign and brochure to each nominated yard. Top yards will be judged and results will be announced during the Edmonton in Bloom Awards on Thursday, August 24 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend the celebration!
It’s Easy to Nominate!
- Anyone can submit a nomination
- Nominations must be for a front yard or a yard visible by everyone.
- You can submit nominations via:
- Online submission form: www.frontyardsinbloom.ca
- Phone 311 or email [email protected]
Questions? Visit: www.frontyardsinbloom.ca or email [email protected]