7:30 p.m.: Settlers of Catan
9:30 p.m.: Game of choice (e.g. 7 Wonders, Dominion, Settlers of Catan)
7:30 p.m.: Heavy strategy game of choice (e.g. Puerto Rico, Power Grid, Agricola)
Come for part of the evening or all. If there's time in between on Table 1, we'll sneak in a quick game of either One Night Werewolf or Ricochet Robots. We can also end the evening with the longer version of Werewolf, if folks are up to it. If you want to come to socialize or just to check it out, that's cool too.
Please bring your own snacks and bevvies. It's an adult evening out, so leave the kiddies at home (it is a school night after all).
Please let Suzi, [email protected], know if you are coming and whether you prefer Table 1, Table 2, or have no preference.