The wage rate is $18.00/hour for a 30 hour week. Here is the job description...
Community Archives Project 8 week project from mid-May to mid-July.
- Locate and organize BDCL archival records. Set aside duplicates and ephemeral material.
- Prepare a list of past-presidents and a chronological list of major projects including project leaders.
- Select photographs to accompany records and identify buildings, individuals and events by consulting with seniors in our community.
- Prepare a short report to accompany lists, acknowledging sources of records and gaps in the collection.
- Prepare records to deposit in the City of Edmonton Archives.
- Assist with Memories of Bonnie Doon project: help with monthly seniors program/lunches; conduct research, e.g. locate aerial photographs and insurance maps; photocopy.
Applicants are asked to demonstrate how their prior work experience or courses relate to our project. Students without direct experience will be considered. Only applications that are considered will be contacted. A vehicle or drivers license is not required.
Contact Margaret Russell, Project Coordinator, [email protected], or Tony Fell, [email protected].