Highlights from the meeting of the Board of Directors
June 8, 2017
Don Masson is the new President of BDCL. He takes over from Mark Gordon. Mark has been analyzing the work and time commitments associated with the President’s position. The Board looks forward to hearing the results of his research. The Board is now seeking a Vice-president, as Don is stepping out of this role to lead the Board.
Rink Renovation Project: The Board heard from Stephanie Wold and Mark Edwards regarding the resodding. Don gave a quick recap of the sod issues. Stephanie presented four possibilities for the resodding, including artificial turf, hydro-seeding and re-sodding with and without volunteer labour.
New Hall Committee: The Board discussed the need to form an ad-hoc committee. We should be able to learn from the experiences of Strathearn Community League, currently re-building their community hall.
Parking: There is concern that Bonnie Doon may be used as a Park and Ride for LRT users when the Valley Line becomes operational. Susan will check into how things are working in Blue Quill, a neighbourhood that has similar LRT access. Susan will check with her colleagues at Community Standards regarding our parking issues.
Green Shack programme: The shack has been delivered. This summer the progamme will run afternoons between 2:30-6pm.
Seniors Committee: While occasionally post-cards and flyers are delivered to homes, either by Canada Post or volunteers, most of our current communications strategies are electronic: Facebook, Twitter, electronic newsletters. These methods are cost effective and timely, but may create a gap for those that are not on-line. Daniel will check on the costs of BDCL becoming part of SECLA and thus receiving space in their South-East News, a quarterly publication. The cost of membership would include delivery of the newspaper to homes in the neighbourhood.
BonnieFest: Daniel reported that BonnieFest was awesome! Neighbours were very impressed. Daniel will
continue grant writing applications, but wants to share the other duties. The Board discussed options for engaging more people, especially teens. Daniel suggested that BonnieFest could be a test case for the process of ACI identifying likely volunteers/ a volunteer coordinator/ an arts person in the neighbourhood who would coordinate musicians for BonnieFest.
Abundant Communities: Steve suggested that we need to move from the model where volunteers are serving the community, towards a model where volunteers are participating in building their community. Carol suggested that some smaller events, less intensive, could be good builders.
CRC Report: The Community Garden Project at Rutherford School has been closed, due to inaction. The project can be reopened if there is a good group of 10-15 people willing to work on the project. The recycling centre across from the Mall could be interested in building raised beds, and if community members were interested, Susan could facilitate. We discussed the idea of a ‘distributed’ community garden. CSC are reworking their organisational structure.
Treasurer: Daniel reported that we are currently on track for a small profit, but this surplus will likely be taken up by the new sodding.
Civics: Shauna reported that the City has approved variances on 84 Ave, 92 Street and at the Central Baptist Church. As the City looks at flood mitigation, Don will talk to Councillor Henderson to see if there might be a tie in to our sewer issues.
Social: Karen is getting started! Supper’s on Us is a solid event. This year’s Supper’s on Us is scheduled for Friday September 15.
Future meeting dates: The Board will continue to meet on the second Thursday of the month in September, November, January, March, AGM April, and June, with an option for an informal meeting in May. Meetings are held at the City of Edmonton offices in Bonnie Doon Mall, starting at 7:15pm.
Next meeting September 14, 2017