The City's Planning Academy offers courses to help us better understand and participate in the planning process and to better understand the roles, rights and interests of all parties involved in the planning and development process.
In addition to Neighbourhood Renewal at some point an LRT line and station will be built near Bonnie Doon. One Planning Academy course in particular applies: their interactive course on Transit Oriented Development (TOD) facilitated by members of Edmonton's TOD Planning Unit.
The BDCL encourages all Bonnie Dooners to learn more about the development and planning processes. If you have questions or concerns please write to our Civics Chair, Ed Keding.
Update: The Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues has created the Edo Nyland Planning Academy Scholarship which can pay for a community league member's courses taken at the Academy. Details...
Update #2: Just discovered some dates:
- Land Use Planning: The Big Picture – October 29, 2013
- Transportation – November 2, 2013
- Transit Oriented Development – November 7, 2013
- Urban Design – November 9, 2013
- Come Plan with Us: Using Your Voice – November 14 & 20, 2013
- Getting a Grip on Land Use Planning – November 30, 2013