"The City of Edmonton website states 'Dogs must always be on a leash when on public property. Dogs are not allowed on school grounds, sports fields, playgrounds and golf courses. The fine for violating this bylaw is $100.'
Dog poop is found daily on the school field. The snow fort created by our youngest students and painted blue during their outside classtime is now covered in yellow dog pee around the base, making it less desirable to play in. The snowmen are also covered in dog pee.
Students remain in their assigned learning cohort during recess activites and a rotating schedule is utilized where each cohort has an assigned area outside for each recess break that supports physical distancing and promotes play and physical activity. Classes do not mix. The playground equipment is not permitted to be used during recess. As a result, every zone of the school field is used daily, both for recess, outdoor class work and gym.
Please walk your dogs in designated places rather than our school field. Thank you for your understanding."