After August 8th, If you live in the affected area and did not pick up a parking permit, please write to [email protected].
Similar to the past few summers, the City of Edmonton will enforce parking restrictions in north Bonnie Doon during the Edmonton Folk Music Festival. In general, parking will be restricted from 92 Avenue to Connors Road, between Mill Creek Ravine and 91 Street. Obey posted parking restrictions to avoid having your vehicle ticketed and towed. See detailed info on parking restrictions. For more information on Folk Fest and to get tickets visit
Parking Restrictions
When: Thursday, August 10 through Sunday, August 13, 2017
Where: As per City signage. generally north of 92 Ave in Bonnie Doon
Parking Permits (available to residents who live in the area outlined below)
When: Sunday, July 30, 2:00 - 4:00 pm , Wednesday August 2, 6:00 - 8:00 pm, Tuesday August 8, 6 - 7:30 pm
Where: Bonnie Doon Community Hall, 9240 93 Street
Bring: Government-issued photo ID showing your address
Help spread the word and make sure your neighbors know about parking restrictions and permits during Folk Fest.
If you recently moved to your home and don't yet have id showing your address, bring your current government-issued id with something like a utility bill addressed to your home in the affected area.
We will give parking permits to people living in the area below. This map is not meant to show where the City will restrict parking.
This is the official city map showing the parking restrictions: